Material Fact – CADE Decision

Material Fact – CADE Decision

São Paulo, April 27, 2016 – Pursuant to article 2 of CVM Instruction 358, Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (“CSN”) hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that on April 27, 2016, the Council for Economic Defense (“CADE”), Brazil’s antitrust authority, decided to grant CSN the one-off right to exercise its political rights regarding Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. (“USIMINAS”), which had been fully suspended due to a previous decision by CADE and the signature of the Performance Commitment Term within the scope of the monopolistic act nº 08012.009198/2011-21, regarding the acquisition by CSN of an equity stake in USIMINAS.

In view of the decision issued today, CSN will be allowed to participate in USIMINAS’ Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of April 28, 2016, exclusively to elect two members of the Board of Directors and one member of the Fiscal Council, as well as their respective alternates. A representative of CADE is expected to monitor said Annual Shareholders’ Meeting in order to ensure the procedure‘s correctness and CSN’s exercise of its political rights within the limit of CADE’s decision.

The candidates approved by CADE are (i) Gesner José Oliveira Filho, (ii) Ricardo Antonio Weiss, (iii) Derci Alcantara (alternate) and (iv) Sonia Julia Sulzbeck Villalobos (alternate) for the Board of Directors, and (v) Wagner Mar and (vi) Pedro Carlos de Mello (alternate) for the Fiscal Council. The Board members appointed by CSN shall sign a term of commitment with CADE and maintain full independence from CSN.

CADE’s decision is in line with the agency’s purpose of maintaining the financial health of USIMINAS, one of Brazil’s largest steelmakers, as well as ensuring a healthy competitive environment in the domestic steel market.

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São Paulo, April 27, 2016.

Paulo Rogério Caffarelli
Investor Relations Officer